Post Cardiac Arrest Care - European Resuscitation Council and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2021 Guidelines for Post-resuscitation Care 

This section is focused on excerpts of pharmacotherapy recommendations discussed on the European Resuscitation Council and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2021 Guidelines for Post-resuscitation Care (1). 

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of post cardiac arrest care please read the open access full text.

Post-resuscitation care (post cardiac arrest care) Algorithm (1)

Hemodynamic, oxygenation and ventilation targets

Figure 2. Hemodynamic, oxygenation and ventilation targets (1).

Guideline updates - Blood pressure target

Haemodynamic monitoring and management (1)

Guideline updates - Treatment of seizures

Seizure control (1)

Routine seizure prophylaxis is not recommended in post-cardiac arrest patients. 

Guideline updates - Treatment of seizures

Seizure control (1)

Routine seizure prophylaxis is not recommended in post-cardiac arrest patients. 

Guideline updates - General intensive care management

General intensive care management (1)

Related drugs


Further reading on post cardiac arrest care

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